Carrying All Your Groceries Inside In One Trip: Ten out of Ten

For my first review, I’ve decided to pay homage to both myself (typical) and Chicago’s finest specimen, Chance The Rapper. Chance recently released a single entitled “Groceries” in which he celebrates the times in which he carried all the groceries inside without having to come back out to his car, or the foot of the stairs, or wherever it is that he would have to leave his grocery bags if he did run out of hands and/or arm room. I was particularly thrilled when this single dropped, for a few reasons – one being that I am an avid fan of Chance The Rapper, so anything that he does, I love, and another being that I TOO get an enormous thrill out of bringing all of my groceries in at once.

I can only recall one instance when I did not feel so great after bringing all my grocery bags out of my car and into my home with one trip, and that is because one of the paper bags ripped and out tumbled multiple large apples (it was honeycrisp season), tomatoes, and other pieces of produce that were less roll-able and therefore less memorable. If there is anything worse than having to come back out to your car to retrieve groceries after making your first trip, it is dropping all of your groceries and watching them roll down your driveway after making a crude attempt to fit them all into your smallish arms for quite literally no reason.

Even though I had a few produce casualties that fateful day, my love for one-trip produce hauls did not diminish. In fact, I feel that my failure that day made all of my successful trips feel like even more of an accomplishment.

You may think that it’s a cop-out for me to have my debut review be a 10/10, but if you do, you’re wrong. One thing that I hope this blog does is shed light on the fact that 10/10 is a rating that MOST things in this life deserve. Maybe as a society we’ll be happier if we remember how many 10/10 things we experience in a day. How many Italian-chef-finger-kiss moments we encounter during our waking hours. There are so many reasons to smile. So many to celebrate. So today, we will remember the deep feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes with carrying all your groceries inside in one fell swoop. Merci.

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